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  • Writer's pictureBeena Thakkar

What does it take to create a professional online Social Media Presence?

Are you searching to create a professional online presence for your start-up or a creative new business venture?

Then you need to be on Social Media

Creating a Social Media presence for a business is smart, easy, free, and the most effective way to reach out to your potential customers. Getting an online presence of your business through social media is thinkably easy but doably hard.

Your first move can be determining answers to questions like which Social Media platform will have my maximum audience? what type of content can help me engage with my audiences? or where shall I get the initial graphics to post on social media regularly? Do I really need to hire a Social Media Strategist or I myself can create a professional Social Media presence for my business?

Pheww..! Take a deep breath as here are the 6 basic steps that can help you achieve your goal without spending even a dime.

  • Check what your competitors do on Social Media:

Before making your first-ever appearance you want to pretty make sure about how to display your product or service from the very first time. Correct?

You can start by collecting a list of at least 2-3 competitors that you think has a good online presence. Go through their posts, captions, color-coding, types of engaging posts, and the way of interactions with their audiences.

By doing this you can have a rough idea about how you want to showcase your product or service that is appealing enough.

  • Select your Social Media Sites wisely:

There are 21 Top Social Media Sites to Consider for Your Brand as per the market. But it will be a huge task as a beginner to create professional profiles on various social media sites.

Don’t be overwhelmed trying to create as many social media profiles as you can. Because going forward it will be a difficult task to update your posts on each of these sites regularly.

Instead, this is the time where you can check out what social media sites your competitors are on. Explore which social media accounts really matter and why it is important for you to create your business’s online presence on that site?

For example, Kat Coroy is a branding expert and provides Instagram Makeover to big brands. So she focuses on making her business presence on Facebook and Instagram. This way she can connect with her potential customers and get her leads.

  • Take some time to create your online profiles:

Your social media profiles are directly going to communicate with your potential customers, so it is vital that you create a unique profile that echos your business objective. There are few elements you need to follow to create a successful social media profile.

  • Display Name, Username, and URL: This will help your audiences search your business on social media. The username will then be displayed in the URL on social media networks. So choose it wisely.

  • Profile and Cover Pic: For businesses, it is good to upload the business logo in Profile pic whereas, choose a cover pic that has a clear focal point, mobile-friendly, and one that has integrated design which goes with the rest of the page.

  • Bio: Get creative and describe your business in a short description. Try and describe your products and services that have relevant keywords, links to the business website, and contact details.

For Example, Look how Netflix Facebook has its clear logo as Profile Pic, username is easy and understandable. Also one of the latest movie update in Cover Pic area.

  • Get Color ready

The more you research about famous brands and your competitors, the more you will realize that they follow a specific pattern to create an appealing profile on social media.

For Example:

See how Xero is using Blue color throughout their posts and keeping it consistent by building a strong brand image.

Again it is not mandatory to stick to one color, you can choose a color palette or different shades that create a good professional look of your social profile according to your brand.

  • Creating visual content can take you a long way:

Now that you have decided which social media sites you are going to use for your business. The next main task would be to create some great visuals to engage your audiences.

As per the above image, you can get a clear idea about what visuals to go for. Nowadays to create professional visuals is not a heavy-lifting and can be DIYed easily. One of the best graphics and videos designing platform to start with is Canva. Here you can get a variety of customized templates for FREE.

  • Social Media Calander:

Using social media calendar can help you organize the content well in advance. You can strategically plan out for days, weeks, and even month’s content by using social media calendar. One of the easiest ways to start scheduling is by using Google Calendar for free.

Here is an example of how you can schedule your content using Google Calendar. You can easily share the content within your team members or even assign one of your teammates to update it regularly.


Competitors can be a great source to know where your potential clients are, so do check their online presence as discussed in point number one.

Analyze and plan your content as per your product and services keeping in mind a few minute details like visuals, color palette, description on your social media profiles.

Don’t forget to create a social media calendar that can prove wonders and makes you stress-free.

Do you know any more basic points that can help build a killer professional online presence?

Do comment below and let me know.


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